Scientific publications
Click here to see the full list of my scientific publications.
Scholar and academic background
2019 to today | Post-Doctoral fellowship at La Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, Paris |
2016 to 2018 | PhD in Immunology at Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Necker Hospital, Paris |
2014 to 2016 | IMVI (Infectiology: Immunology, Microbiology, Virology) Master with "Immunopathologie de la Réponse Immune" (Immune Reponse Immunopathology) specialization, at UFR des Sciences du Vivant, Denis Diderot university (Paris VII) |
2010 à 2013 | Biomedical Licence with "Sciences du Vivant et de la Santé" (Sciences of Life and Health) specialization, at UFR des Sciences Fondamentales et Biomédicales, René Descartes university (Paris V) |
2010 | Scientific "Baccalauréat" with "Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre" (Sciences of Life and Earth) specialization, at general high-school "La Tour des Dames" (77540 Rozay-en-Brie) |
Scientific and technical skills
- Cell culture (miscellaneous murine tumoral cell lines) ;
- Mouse handling (subcutaneous, intraperitoneal and retro-orbital intraveinous injections) ;
- 20 parameters flow cytometry on numerous flow cytometers (BD FACSCalibur, BD FACSCanto II, BD LSR II Fortessa, BD FACSAria III, Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX) ;
- Cell sorting (by FACS and MACS) ;
- Programming using several languages (including R) and scripting ;
- Bioinformatic data analysis: microarray, RNA-Seq, etc.
Scientific professional experiences
January 2019 to now | Post-Doctoral fellowship within INSERM U959 unit, i3 Laboratory: Immunology, Immunopathology, Immunotherapy (Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris) |
November 2015 to November 2018 | PhD within INSERM U1151 unit, Immunology and Immunopathology (Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Necker Hospital, Paris) Duration : 3 years PhD title : Study of homeostatic interactions between dendritic cells, effector and regulatory lymphocytes on anti-tumor immune responses PhD subtitle : Study of the role of different dendritic cells in vivo in mice, and algorithmic study of the complex relationships between tumoral transcriptome, immune populations and survival in silico in patients Access to the summary and full text |
February to July 2015 | M2 internship within INSERM U1151 unit, Immunology and Immunopathology (Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Necker Hospital, Paris) Duration : 6 months Mandatory internship included in the university cursus Internship summary : Study of the Flt3-L modulation on the early antitumoral response in vivo in mice Internship description : This project is based on the characterization of the DCs subtypes involved in the antitumoral immune responses (phenotype, fonctionnality, immunogenicity, tolerogenicity) and study of their modulation in a potential immunotherapeutic application. The work hypothesis is that the depletion of (some?) DCs can allow to inhibit recruitment of pro-tumoral Tregs , in order to induce an efficient effector response |
June to July 2014 | M1 internship within INSERM U1016 unit, Cytokines and Viral infections (Institut de Recherche Biomédicale Cochin, Cochin Hospital, Paris) Duration : 2 months Non-mandatory internship for the university cursus Internship description : Implication in several projects, one of them involving the study of the presence of chemokines and α4β7 on peripheral blood cells from helthy or SIV-infected monkeys, and the other one involving the study of DCs populations and associated markers in humans infected or not by a given virus (no further details are available because this work is confidential) |
July 2013 | L3 internship within INSERM UMR-S 1147 unit (ex U775), Molecular bases of xenobiotics response (René Descartes university at UFR of Fondamental and Biomedical Sciences, Paris) Duration : 1 month Non-mandatory internship for the university cursus Internship description : Discovery of how a medical research laboratory operates and runs projects, which completes my 3th year of Biomedical Licence. Autonomous and collaborative participation to one project of the laboratory: biostatistical study of the potentially significant effect on overall gene expression of an accidental contamination of cell cultures by mycoplasms |
Non-scientific professional experiences
October 2014 | Short-term contract of Main Train Lines sales advisor at SNCF (Paris Est train station, Paris) Duration : 1 month Missions and skills : cash register management, direct selling to customers of train tickets, services (hotels, luggage service, etc.), customers information (train planning, after-sales conditions, advises, etc.). Autonomous and team work, hierarchical supervising Previous occurences : August 2014 at Val de Fontenay station, 2013 at Val de Fontenay station, 2012 at Nogent — Le-Perreux station, 2011 at the shop in Les Arcades mall at Noisy-le-Grand, 2010 at Villiers-sur-Marne — Le Plessis-Trévise station, each time for direct selling of SNCF main lines tickets |